A number activity to help children's use of maths at the same time as improving their physical development

My Life in Numbers

My Life in Numbers

Numbers are part of our everyday lives and it's important for little ones to understand the different ways we use them. Numbers can be used to order things, for passwords, for measurement and for much more. Some numbers will have greater significance than others. Use this activity to help your little one get to grips with the numbers that are most important to them.

Click here to download the activity, or click on the image below. 

My life in numbers

If your child is a little older or needs a further challenge try this question sheet to extend their learning.

Click here to download the question sheet, or click on the image below.

My life in numbers questions

For more simple and engaging activities to explore numbers with your little one, take a look at our Preschool Number Activity Cards, Reception Number Activity Cards and Year 1 Number Activity Cards.