2D shape - a flat shape, e.g. square, rectangle, triangle, circle
3D shape - a solid shape you can touch and feel, e.g. cube, cuboid, pyramid, sphere
100 square - a large square divided into 100 smaller squares filled with the numerals 1-100
Addition - combining two, or more, amounts to make a larger amount
Array - a group of dots, pictures or objects arranged in rows and columns
Calculation - a number sentence made up of numbers and signs. It can contain any of the four operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
Capacity - the amount an object can hold
Cardinality - the quantity a numeral represents, sometimes referred to as 'howmanyness'
Composition of number - the idea that all numbers are made up of two, or more, smaller numbers
Commutative calculation - a calculation where the numbers can be swapped around, but the answer remains the same. Subtraction and division calculations are not commutative
Corner - the point where two sides meet on a 2D or 3D shape
Digit - a single numeral, e.g. the 5 in 156
Double facts - an addition calculation where a number is added to itself, e.g. 1 + 1 = 2
Even number - a number that can be divided into two equal parts
Fewest - the group which contains fewer than any other
Five frame - a rectangle, split into five equal squares, used for counting
Half - splitting an amount or object into two equal parts
Inverse - the opposite of another operation. Subtraction is the inverse of addition and division is the inverse of multiplication
Irregular shape - a shape with unequal sides and angles
Length - how long or short an object is
Maths sentence - a calculation made up of numbers and signs. It can contain any of the four operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
Most - the group which contains more than any other
Multiple - A number that can be divided by another number without any remainder
Number - a value or amount; may be a word, picture or digit
Number bond - two numbers that add together to make a larger number
Numeral - a single digit, or group of digits, use to represent a number, e.g. 156
Odd number - a number that cannot be divided into two equal parts
Quarter - splitting an amount or object into four equal parts
Regular shape - a shape with equal sides and angles
Repeating pattern - a pattern made up of two or more alternating parts, e.g. red, blue, red, blue
Side - a line that joins two corners on a 2D or 3D shape
Spatial word - a word to describe the position of a person or object, e.g. above, below, in, on
Subitise - the ability to look at a small number of objects, or images, and recognise the amount without counting
Subtraction - taking one amount away from another to make a smaller amount
Tangram - a puzzle made up of seven shapes which are put together to make a square
Ten frame - a rectangle, spilt into two rows of five equal squares, used for counting